Acute Medical Services
As a medical rehabilitation provider, Siskin Hospital offers a wide array of physical rehabilitation services. However, many of the patients we serve are also in need of acute medical services. In order to operate in the most efficient manner possible, Siskin Hospital has made the decision to utilize an outside contractor in a number of areas.
Some of the more common acute medical services that you may require during your stay here are listed below, along with a summary of how we provide those services.
Physician Services
Rehabilitation medicine services and general acute care management during your inpatient stay will be provided by a small group of board certified physiatrists, who are specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation. These physicians have their office located within Siskin Hospital, and they will be available on a daily basis to manage your medical needs. Someone within their group is also on-call at all times, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, in the event that you experience an unexpected medical need. In some cases your physiatrist may determine that you are experiencing a more complex medical need. In that case they will consult with one of the numerous outside specialists who are credentialed to provide services within this hospital. In rare cases, it may be determined that it is in your best interest to return to the acute care hospital to have your needs addressed. Outside consultants generally respond to your needs within twenty-four hours of a request by our in-house medical staff.
Pharmacy Services
All routine pharmacy services that you require during your stay at Siskin Hospital are provided by in-house pharmacists. The medications that you require will be available to you on a daily basis, according to the dosage and frequency prescribed by your physician. Systems are also in place to obtain unexpected medications for you on a twenty-four hour per day basis, if the need arises. In the unlikely event that you require a medication that is not stocked in our on-site pharmacy, arrangements have been made with Erlanger Medical Center to obtain it immediately.
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Services
Siskin Hospital has a radiology suite in-house to provide basic x-rays and for the completion of swallowing studies. These in-house services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Should you require more complex diagnostic imaging services or need x-rays outside our normal hours of operation, we have arranged for these services to be provided at Erlanger Medical Center. If it is required that you be transported to Erlanger for one of these services, you will be made aware of the scheduled time and will be transported to and from Erlanger by a Siskin Hospital staff member. Routine x-rays are obtained within the timeframe specified by the physician. STAT x-rays are obtained immediately or as soon as possible if you are transported to Erlanger. If your physician requires that results be received back on a STAT, or emergency basis, we expect these results back to your in-house physician within two hours. The results of other routine radiology tests will be back to your ordering physician usually by the next day or sooner.
Laboratory Services
The collection of blood or other bodily fluids required for lab tests are drawn at Siskin Hospital, but these specimens are then sent to a local contracted laboratory for processing. Routine labs are obtained within the timeframe specified by the physician. STAT labs are obtained immediately. If your physician requires that results be received back on a STAT, or emergency basis, we expect these results back to your in-house physician within two hours. The results of routine laboratory tests will be back to your ordering physician within a day of being collected, unless it is a specialty test that requires a longer timeframe to get results. These types of tests are unusual, but results are usually received within a week.
Dialysis Services
Siskin Hospital has arranged to provide dialysis services through Erlanger Medical Center when they are needed during an inpatient stay. Once it has been determined that you will be admitted to Siskin Hospital, our staff will work with you and the staff at Erlanger to establish a regular schedule for dialysis sessions, according to the plan established by your physician. You will be escorted by Siskin Hospital staff both to and from your dialysis appointments and every effort will be made to establish a schedule that has the least impact on your daily therapy routine.
For Subacute patients, we coordinate with your normal dialysis provider and arrange transportation.
Transfusion Services
Blood or blood products are administered at Siskin Hospital if you should require them during your inpatient stay. Subacute patients are sent to a transfusion center if receipt of blood products is required.
In the event you experience a significant change in medical status, you will be transferred back to the hospital that referred you. If your condition change constitutes an emergency, you will be transferred to the Emergency Department at Erlanger Medical Center.