Speech Language Pathology
At Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation, we know that rehabilitation is more than just physical. Our team of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) is ready to help you with your specific needs to maximize your recovery.
Stroke, brain injury and disease can have devastating effects on communication. SLPs are trained to address a wide range of problems that can interfere with daily interactions, vocational, or educational activities.
These problems may include:
Impaired speech intelligibility (or clarity)
Difficulty coming up with words
Difficulty understanding what others say
Voice problems
Difficulty reading
Impaired written expression
Memory impairment
Impaired problem solving
Swallowing problems
Problems with conversation and social communication
Difficulty with planning and organizing
Siskin Hospital’s team of speech-language pathologists serve on specialized and diagnosis-specific teams. Inpatient and outpatient SLPs work collaboratively in the same department, which helps with the transition from inpatient therapy to outpatient therapy.
We offer a specialty program to serve patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Speech-Language Pathology staff with specialized training implement the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT Loud) for patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
A disorder of swallowing (dysphagia) is a major concern in rehabilitation because of the risks to the patient, including malnutrition, dehydration, and pneumonia. Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art treatment of dysphagia. Please refer to the Swallowing Therapy section for additional information, including the use of Videofluoroscopy.
Admission Guidelines
We offer both Inpatient and Outpatient Speech-Language Pathology Services.
Ask your doctor for a prescription for a speech-language/cognitive or swallowing evaluation with an SLP. Physician orders can be faxed to 634-4578, or you may call 634-1400 to find out more about how to obtain an appointment with a speech-language pathologist.
We will need some information about your diagnosis and history, in order to best prepare for your treatment. After receiving the physician referral, we will contact you to arrange your initial evaluation/treatment.
To set up an appointment, please call 423.634.1400 or Fax 423.634.4578. For additional information about Siskin’s Speech Pathology Services, email SLP@SiskinRehab.org.