THA Recognizes Rep. Patsy Hazlewood as a 2024 Hospital Hero at Siskin Hospital

The Tennessee Hospital Association (THA) honored Rep. Patsy Hazlewood (R-Signal Mountain) as a 2024 THA Hospital Hero for her dedication and work on behalf of hospitals in Tennessee.

THA Hospital Hero Awards recognize lawmakers who prioritize policy issues that contribute to the health and wellness of all Tennesseans through their support for hospitals. Rep. Hazlewood was presented the 2024 award at Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation, with hospital leadership in attendance.

“We are thankful for Rep. Hazelwood’s continued commitment to enabling quality healthcare for all Tennesseans. Her leadership and support allow Siskin Hospital to fulfill our mission and continue changing the lives of our patients,” said Matthew Gibson, Ph.D., FACHE, President and CEO of Siskin Hospital.


Siskin Hospital

Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation is dedicated exclusively to physical rehabilitation and offers specialized treatment programs in brain injury, amputation, stroke, spinal cord injury, orthopedics, and major multiple trauma, as well as treatment for neurological disorders and loss of muscle strength and control following illness or surgery. Siskin Hospital is the only freestanding, not-for-profit rehabilitation hospital in Tennessee. In addition to inpatient acute and subacute care, the hospital has five outpatient clinics in Tennessee and Georgia. For more information, visit or call 423 634-1200.

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